Feel free to do a little dance like Gob does on Arrested Development. Please do.
This is it. Tomorrow I register for classes at SCSU for the very last time. I'll never again have to complain about "honors" kids getting to register before me even though I have a better GPA. I'll never again have to run around SCSU's campus begging professors to let me into full classes. I'll never have to yell at the CEEP department again for not having a professor or time assigned to a class I need. Hopefully, I'll never have to spend another winter in Minnesota.
This is it. After May, I'm outta here.
I'm leaving.
Hitting the road.
Leaving only dust behind me.
Before you can finish saying "congratulations" I'll be all packed up and ready to leave.
Its time for a move, its time for a change.
I won't get ahead of myself and blog about how "wonderful these 4 years have been" but I will say I sure have grown up a lot here. With as much as I feel like I change from year to year, hell, month to month, I'm looking forward to seeing who I'll be the day I'm leaving this place. Next semester is full of so many good things- classes, internship, events, and preparations to move across the country. I'm going to work less on campus and more at the gas station to ease myself away. I'm going to job search and start hardcore networking over winter break. I'm going to do the best I can to be the best I can be before I commence the my second big move.
For next semester, my classes are as follows:
- CEEP 419 - Ethics in Psychology
- ENGL 342 - Creative Writing: Fiction
- PSY 378 - Theories of Personality
- PSY 345 - Psychology of Death and Dying
On another note:
I have a hell of a lot to do before the semester is over, including 2 long and large presentations and about 50 to 50 pages worth of papers. Maybe I shouldn't think about the future so much...
Wow, I didn't know you were so close to graduating. That's awesome.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'll definitely miss you once you're gone.
I'm pretty stoked, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to miss you too!